10 Tips for Email Deliverability

How to ensure emails hit your recipient’s inbox instead of their spam or junk folder

If you send a lot of emails as part of your day-to-day workflow, you may have run into circumstances where some of those emails incorrectly get flagged as junk or spam. The person you’re communicating with might notice this and let you know or might never see your email to at all. If this is happening to you, here are some tips for how to better increase the likelihood that your emails reach the inbox of your intended recipient.

1. Request Your Contacts to Mark Your Emails as "Not Spam" or "Not Junk"

When your emails are mistakenly identified as spam or junk, it's essential to train the email server to recognize them as legitimate messages. You can kindly ask your contacts to follow these steps:

  • In their email client (e.g., Outlook, Gmail), locate the email that ended up in the spam or junk folder.
  • Select the email and find the option to mark it as "Not Spam" or "Not Junk." This action helps their email provider understand that your messages are desirable and not spam.

2. Encourage Clients to Add You as a Contact

Adding your email address to your clients' contact list is another way to signal to their email provider that your messages are important and should not be marked as spam. Here's how they can do it:

In Outlook:
  • Open the email sent by you.
  • Click on your email address.
  • Choose "Add to Contacts."
In Gmail:
  • Open the email sent by you.
  • Click on the three dots (More options) near the top-right corner.
  • Select "Add to Contacts."

3. Suggest Contacts Create an Inbox Rule

Your recipients can set up inbox rules to ensure that emails from your domain are never mistakenly categorized as spam. Here's how they can create such a rule:

In Outlook:
  • Go to "File" > "Options" > "Mail" > "Rules and Alerts."
  • Click on "New Rule."
  • Choose "Apply rule on messages I receive."
  • Specify a condition such as "from people or public group" and enter your email address.
  • Click "Next."
  • Select the action "move it to the specified folder" and choose the inbox as the destination.
  • Click "Next," name the rule, and click "Finish."
In Gmail:
  • Click the gear icon in the upper-right corner and select "See all settings."
  • Go to the "Filters and Blocked Addresses" tab.
  • Click "Create a new filter."
  • In the "From" field, enter your email address.
  • Click "Create filter."
  • Check the box "Never send it to Spam."
  • Click "Create filter."

4. Keep Emails Concise and to the Point

Long-winded emails can overwhelm recipients and may increase the likelihood of them being marked as spam. Try to be concise in your email content, focusing on the key message or information you want to convey.

5. Avoid Excessive Hyperlinks

Excessive hyperlinks in emails can trigger spam filters.[1] Use hyperlinks judiciously and only when necessary. Additionally, use descriptive text for hyperlinks rather than generic phrases like "click here."

6. Minimize Attachments

While attachments are sometimes necessary, too many attachments can raise suspicions.[2] Minimize the use of attachments and consider hosting large files on cloud storage services (e.g., Dropbox, Google Drive) and sharing links instead.

7. Limit the Use of Images

Emails heavy on images can be flagged as spam. Use images sparingly and ensure that the essential content of the message is not conveyed solely through images. Always include alt text for images to provide context if the images don't load.

8. Use a Professional and Consistent Email Signature

A professional and consistent email signature can enhance the credibility of your emails. Include your name, title, company name, contact information, and a link to your company website in your email signature.

9. Avoid Using Excessive Capitalization and Special Characters

Using excessive capitalization or special characters (e.g., $$$, FREE, URGENT!!!) can trigger spam filters. Use proper capitalization and punctuation in your emails and avoid using excessive capital letters or special characters.

10. Proofread and Use Proper Grammar

Spam filters can also flag emails with poor grammar and spelling mistakes. Proofread your emails before sending and use proper grammar and spelling.

By incorporating these best practices into your email communications, you can not only improve email deliverability but also enhance the overall quality and effectiveness of your emails, leading to better engagement and communication.

If you’d like some assistance with enhancing your email deliverability, contact us at any time. We're here to help!
